ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement

ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement

ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement is the latest advancement in the field of Joint Replacement. Accurate alignment of the component and soft tissue balancing is essential for the success of a Total Knee Replacement. These essential factors are addressed by the ROBOT by creating a live 3D Model of the patient’s Knee . Using these a customised and patient specific plan is created. This personalization leads to accuracy and better surgical outcomes when compared to traditional Knee Replacement.

ROBOTIC total Knee Replacement is a minimally invasive procedure and requires minimal tissue dissection. Because of minimal tissue dissection the blood loss is less and results in faster recover.

Dr. (Prof.) Arora is leading the way in Knee Replacement surgery by using the ROBOTIC Technology. After using the PINLESS navigation technology for more than a decade now he is leading the way by using ROBOTIC.


Reasons why ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement is a better choice

1. Better Accuracy - Robot Provides Bony cuts up to Submillimetre accuracy and can customize the surgery according to patients’ unique anatomy. Such Customization means the newly replaced joint will fit more precisely.

2. Better Customization- Surgeon can create a patient-specific plan in the operating room itself and can execute with ROBOTIC precision. Also Provides 3D morphing and mapping of Knee data on the robot making the ROBOTIC Knee Replacement highly customized to the needs of the patient.

3. Less blood loss with faster recover - Robot improves the efficiency in the operating room thus reducing the overall time taken for the surgery and the blood loss. This is possible because the overall tissue dissection required is much less as compared to traditional surgery

4. Reduced postoperative pain and requirement of analgesics-Since the overall tissue dissection is much less as compared to a traditional surgery it reduces the requirement of analgesics too.

The kind of surgery you need to undergo is usually decided by your surgeon with your preferences. However, the ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement surgery is thought to be the most effective form as it promises a perfect alignment as robot can take Bony Cuts with. Less than even half Millimeter accuracy

ROBOTIC vs PINLESS Computer Navigated Knee Replacement

PINLESS Computer Navigated Knee Replacement

PINLESS Computer Navigation provides a precise approximation of the mechanical Axis of the Knee joint. Computer Navigation creates a 3D model of the patient’s Knee on the computer in the operating room. On this recreated Knee model, the computer guides the surgeon about the various degrees of cuts & balancing, and the surgeon is able control even 0.5 degrees of deviation here and there, which a naked eye cannot see. PINLESS Computer Navigation It is a very precise and safe technology and provides near perfect alignment.

ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement


ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement is the next step in the field of joint Replacement. Successful outcome of a Total Knee Replacement depends on the following factors accurate alignment, soft tissue preservation and perfect ligament Balancing. These factors are precisely done by a robot as it can provide less than even half millimeter accuracy. A misaligned joint can lead to abnormal early wear and early mechanical loosening of the new implanted prosthesis. Robot reduces the possibilities of these uncertainties and results in better outcomes.

What are the broad steps of ROBOT -assisted Knee Replacement


The broad steps of ROBOTIC Total Knee Replacement are as follows:

1. Pre-operative CT scan- The pre-operative Planning is done on patient specific virtual model. Before Surgery the CT scan of the whole limb is taken and data obtained is loaded into the computer to prepare a 3D model of the whole limb of the patient.

2. Planning on Patient specific Virtual Model- The sizing and a provisional plan is made onto the computer before going to operation theatre.

3. During surgery, after exposure of Knee with the help of sensors and arrays the ROBOT is fed the 3D model of the patient on operation table. The pre-operative CT scan model is also fed to the ROBOT. Now ROBOT perfectly matches the images obtained before surgery and during surgery.

4. The soft tissue tension on different sides of the Knee is also fed to the ROBOT by special manoeuvres performed by the surgeon.

5. Now the ROBOT knows the bony anatomy of the patients' joint as well as the soft tissue tension on different sides of the Knee.

6. On operation table the surgeon makes finer arrangements in the size and positioning of the desired position of implant.

7. Now the ROBOT is given an instruction to prepare the bone (bony bed) by less than a millimetre accuracy over which the surgeon can place the implant perfectly.

8. Before the implantation of the Knee (Artificial Total Knee)the surgeon with the help of trials can actually see the position of the implant on the ROBOT and feel the soft tissue tension. Thereby making any minor adjustments if required.

9. Once a surgeon is satisfied with the alignment, position of the implant, soft tissue tension around the Knee, the surgeon actually implants the total Knee(Total Knee implant) and hence a perfectly aligned components including the soft tissue tension is done. This provides the patient a more natural feel of the joint.

As surgeon has not used manual instrumentation to cut the bone (manual saw), the chances of error are practically nil.

While the patient is still in the Operation Theatre, on the operation table the Surgeon can verify the position of implant, the alignment, the soft tissue tension to give the patient a perfectly aligned Knee with near natural feeling of soft tissue around the implant (ligament , muscles capsule etc.)

What are the advantages of having ROBOTIC Knee Replacement

1. Significantly better alignment - Robot Provides Bony cuts up to Submillimetre accuracy and can customize the surgery according to patients’ unique anatomy. Such Customization means the newly replaced joint will fit more precisely and would have better alignment as compared to traditional Knee Replacement surgery

2. Decreased requirement of soft tissue release- accurate bony preparation and component positioning minimizes the need for additional soft tissue releases during the surgery

3. Personalized Surgery - Surgeon can create a patient-specific plan in the operating room itself and can execute with ROBOTIC precision. Also Provides 3D morphing and mapping of Knee data on the robot making the ROBOTIC Knee Replacement highly customized to the needs of the patient.

4. Less blood loss with faster recovery - Robot improves the efficiency in the operating room thus reducing the overall time taken for the surgery and the blood loss. This is possible because the overall tissue dissection required is much less as compared to traditional surgery

5. Reduced postoperative pain and requirement of analgesics - Since the overall tissue dissection is much less as compared to a traditional surgery it reduces the requirement of analgesics too.

6. Better long-term function of joint - As ROBOTIC is precise nature, the natural structure of the Knee is kept intact, leading to a more natural feeling Knee.

7. Lesser Hospital Stay – ROBOTIC cases have reduced post-operative pain and analgesia requirement thus reducing the overall hospital stay. These cases also have Improved functional recovery with decreased number of physiotherapy sessions.

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